The European social partners intend to launch a reflection in the social dialogue committee with the aim of defining a shared vision on the consequences that the current debate on European economic governance will have on social dialogue at EU and national levels. It was decided to set up an ad hoc working group, which met for the first time on 20 March.

In the European Social Partners' work programme, action point 8 states that ‘EU economic governance touches the competences of social partners, namely in issues like wages, pensions and labour costs which are at the heart of industrial relations systems in the Member States’. Therefore, the European social partners intended to ‘launch a reflection in the social dialogue committee with the aim of defining a shared vision on the consequences that the current debate on European economic governance will have on social dialogue at EU and national levels, and with a view to developing possible recommendations at relevant levels’. At a first reflection, which took place on 31 January 2013, it was decided to set up an ad hoc working group, which met on 20 March, and further reflections in view of coming to a joint statement on the issue are scheduled for 10 April and 17 May. For more information on ETUC positions see ETUC website.